Friday, July 15, 2016

Day 13 - Random and Relaxing

"I'm not weird, I'm just limited edition."
-- Anonymous 

Trip Totals:
Walmart Trips Made:7
McDonald's Diet Cokes Drank: 7
Horse Trailers Seen: 14 + 1 Horse Show
Itinerary Changes Made: 4
Times John Made Fun of Lauren's Navigation Abilities: 5

Lessons Learned:
1.) Fish like cat and dog food more than cats and dogs do.
2.) Talking about ponies can go on indefinitely --> plan accordingly.
3.) Dining tables with interesting items lacquered to the table surface will entertain an infant for hours.

Since 13 has a reputation for being unlucky, we made day 13 pretty low key, with limited opportunities for things to go terribly wrong.  The end result: it wasn't terribly exciting.

We started off by sleeping in a little and then going to the spillway.  Now for those of you not familiar with the Greenville, PA area, you may not catch on to the excitement of the Linesville Spillway.  However, this is a great attraction for getting gross pictures and disposing of dog and cat food.  The spillway is just an area of water with a ridiculous amount of carp.  We went because we had some expired cat food to dispose of and thought it would be fun to feed it to the fish.  We knew very little about the reason it was designed, but luckily met a PhD candidate who had studied the fish there.  We learned that these carp were not originally in the US but were brought over from Asia.  They reproduce extremely quickly and can starve out most other fish.  Therefore, the spillway was designed to attract the fish to the dock area so the rest of the lake could be a place for other species of fish to thrive.  Either way it's fun to throw handfuls of food to the fish and watch them pile up to get it (see picture).
Dinner time, these fish love their pet food

Giant goldfish

Before leaving Greenville, we had to visit Tiffany's again for breakfast.  This time we met up with my horse trainer Julie to catch up and discuss future plans for Banjo.  2 full hours of pony talk meant I was in heaven :)

Banjo is ready to get to work
Upon arriving in Findlay, OH last night we encountered some very black skies.  Just as we got there a big band of thunderstorms rolled in.  We got to experience rain blowing sideways, and garbage cans and signs blown into the center of the road -- in other words a typical OH thunderstorm.  There was more rain in Findlay last night than we can typically expect for the entire month of July in Woodland.

Since John has had many meals with my friends, we went to dinner with one of his.  They talked Warhammer and I played with the cute baby.