Friday, July 8, 2016

Too Much History - Day 8

"The reluctance to put away childish things may be a requirement of genius."
-- Rebecca Pepper Sinkler

It has been a consistent struggle these past 2 days.  I often have the interests of a small child which takes us to places full of small children, but screaming children drive me nuts.  Therefore, I have decided life would be better if we treated children like pets.  Before they are allowed in public they need to pass an obedience test and all children under 8 must be on a leash or otherwise contained. 
I quite enjoy well behaved children, but most of them sadly don't fall into that category.  

However, since these laws are only in place for dogs and not children, John decided to take me to places that were less likely to have children which meant history overload.  I have learned that I have a narrow therapeutic range for history and after 2 days of it, I've reached toxic levels.


Pictures with a cannon were my one request of Gettysburg.

As a reward for surviving an entire morning of history, we went to chocolate world.  This was my idea of an important stop.
And of course we had to get ice cream!
And ride the Disney-style chocolate tour ride