Friday, July 22, 2016

Day 20 - Not Home Yet

You may delay, but time will not.
~ ~ Benjamin Franklin
Trip Totals: 

Walmart Trips Made:8
McDonald's Diet Cokes Drank:16
Horse Trailers Seen: 108 + 1 Horse Show
Itinerary Changes Made: 7
Times John Made Fun of Lauren's Navigation Abilities: 5
Today's Itinerary: Bakersfield, CA to our new home in Woodland, CA

A "short" drive today only about 4 1/2 hours in the car. Unfortunately what was suppose to be our grand finale, turned out to be another night in the local hotel. Our mortgage documents were not quite ready, causing a delay in getting them to title, which meant they wouldn't get to the county recorder in time to be recorded, leaving us homeless for one more day.

No fun house pictures. Tired at this point ready to move in.

We did have a nice dinner at The Burger Saloon in Woodland, definitely will be a place we take people when they visit us.